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Zzzzzz... Ah! I'm awake!

Well, obviously I am very behind on this particular post, but work and college has been insane this past week or so. Which actually has to do with the topic of this week's blog.

You see, I have come to understand, and accept, that I am one of those individuals that is completely useless without sleep. Yes, I know that everyone needs to sleep--it's kind of a biological imperative--but that's not what I'm talking about. I mean, that if you encounter me in any condition where I haven't had sleep in the past twenty hours, I'm basically a walking husk reminiscent to man, but obviously not human either.

When I was young and foolish, used to believe I could operate without sleep, I have since come to learn that is a completely baseless assumption. You see, I can be woken easily, but just because I'm no longer sleeping doesn't mean that I'm awake--even ignoring my past experiences of sleep walking. A brilliant example I have is when my mom woke me up in the middle of the night, (I think) told me with a strong sense of urgency: "There's a fox in the chicken coop, and I needed to take a .22 up there to check it out." Somewhere in my restently roused mind that translated to exactly: "There's a fox in the barn. I need you to put on a shirt over your sweater, drive the quad up there, and immediately return without further investigation." As amusing as this is, it happens all of the time when I'm exhausted, which actually leads me back to my school studies. At one point during the past week or so, I was working on my math homework on how to do the problem and kind of dosing off at the desk. My mind should have been evaluating the statements and processing how to emulate the solutions, this is really how my mind was turning: "In order to find the sine, you have to take the opposite divide it by the hypotenuse... then, you gotta... to find the hypotenuse you need to sacrifice a pig like the Greeks did to find the equation... wow, I'm going to go through a lot of pigs for this class, where am I--wait a second, what have I been thinking the last five minutes?!"

This of course leads to the another reason why I'm completely useless when I'm tired. My mind no longer connects actual, real, useful information and/or cannot relay the appropriate response (at least not in a timely manner). I can't even begin to remember--quite literally--all of the times my brother tried to get useful information out of me in the middle of the night. It would typically be something like:

Him: "Where's the (game/manual/item that I need)?"

My response: "In the drawer under the sink."

The only benefit I have to this complete lack of reason and sense of reality is that I also no longer have a guard up when I'm exhausted. I think I may have actually divulged one of my passwords once, but because pretty much 90% of any information that could be pried from my mind is useless anyway, I doubt it panned out.

What's even more hilarious about this is that I have two modes when I'm tired, slow and unresponsive, and super-excited-about-literally-everything. In cases of the later, everything I see, hear, or think about puts a smile on my face and then, I get hyper. Of course this isn't the hyper that finishes the race at the last possible moment despite being exhausted, it's more like the cocker spaniel that has been locked in the house all day and you are the first living thing it has seen in eight hours kind of hyper. Aimless, chaotic, and incredibly annoying. Of course, something along the same lines happens when I'm cold or hungry. I just know that someday, I'll be cold, hungry, and tired, and I'll pretty much be Speedy Gonzales on crack cocaine.

So basically, what I'm saying is if you ever see me when I'm about to collapse, you'd probably say to yourself "Oh, that guy is totally on something."


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Hope you all like this week's post about me. A lot of exciting things are happening for me, but I'll probably save some of the announcements for future posts. For now, a general announcement is that the subscribe button is now working! That means you can now subscribe to the website and get an email notification every time I post a new blog. As always, if you want to have a say in what I blog about, more about me, my stories, analysis of books/movies/fiction, or anything else like that sandy stuff that you wake up with in the morning, be sure to comment and let me know. Also, and I can now say this with zeal, be sure to subscribe!

Bonus: Here's a video of me and Cici when I was in Australia when I was in such a state. It was the White Nights festival in Melbourne, an all night event.


Image Source: http://maryorganizes.com/2013/06/failure-as-feedback-omth-week-3/