Whenever the light began to pass, I discovered myself in a town. The buildings similar to that of the family I had seen when I had first… ‘travelled.’ I heard familiar voices behind me and was surprised to see the men that I had just been in the company of; that hadn’t happened before. I followed them to a small house, a number of them walking single-file through the door. I guess I should have been grateful for not being able to touch them, because that put me in the VIP section.
Once in the house, I saw a bearded man standing as he waived the men inside, and a woman sitting in short chair holding a baby. Baby, I should say toddler, because he wasn’t a chubby little cherub, he looked as big as my two-year old nephew. I looked at them surprised. This wasn’t right. Where were the angels? Where were the shepherds? Where was the halo glowing around the child’s head? Was I in the wrong place?
Hoping the men I had followed would give me some insight, I turned to them. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t seeing them on their hands and knees, bowing to the sleeping child in his mother’s arms. They offered small chests to the father, who seemed overwhelmed by everything happening. This wasn’t the way I had seen it in every nativity set I had spotted since I was little. It seemed so much less… I don’t know… divine?
That’s when I looked to the mother, she was still holding the baby, softly cooing to him as she watched with intrigue the events unfold before her. I glanced between her and… Joseph? He seemed surprised, and even a little worried talking to the men that were now presenting luxurious treasures. While Mary—I guess it should have been Mary—watched with what I would say was more of a look of impressed interest. Her composure stirred something within me and I felt compelled to do something—anything really.
This time, the book didn’t magically find the song, I searched the pages frantically. The melody I was searching for practically on the tip of my tongue, but just out of reach. I finally turned to the page I had been looking for, the notes and the lyrics reinforced my memory of the song. I knelt in front of the mother with her son as I began to sing once again.
Mary, did you know that your Baby Boy would one day walk on water? Mary, did you know that your Baby Boy would save our sons and daughters? Did you know that your Baby Boy has come to make you new? This Child that you delivered will soon deliver you.
Something different happened as I sang. It wasn’t like I was being taken somewhere else, not like the other times. This time, it was like I was watching, in mind-boggling HD, snapshots of, well, what I was singing about. In just a few moments, images spanning an entire lifetime had played into my mind. As I watched miracles change people, almost as much as the words from a man speaking of hope.
I felt a gravity to the song that I never had known before. This wasn’t just a story. This was a man! A man just as real as my family, just as real as myself. Yet he was also so much more than just a man. While I continued singing, my voice cracked as I was coming to realize that what I was singing about was so much bigger than… well, anything really.
But even as I was coming to realize all of that, something so much more happened. I saw the man I had watched grow to be loved and adored be betrayed. I saw him beaten, tortured, even killed. My heart ached as I watched. I saw the despair of the woman that was sitting right in front of me, as she watched her son be impaled to a tree.
For a moment I couldn’t even breath. Grief chocking the words in my throat. Then, what I saw changed. The cross wasn’t enough, the stone wouldn’t hold, death hadn’t won. Tears were falling down my face as I finished.
Mary, did you know that your Baby Boy is Lord of all creation? Mary, did you know that your Baby Boy would one day rule the nations? Did you know that your Baby Boy is heaven's perfect Lamb? The sleeping Child you're holding is the Great, I Am!
I don’t know how long I knelt there, sobbing. It was so real. It was glorious, terrible, and about a million other emotions. I couldn’t look up, I couldn’t face the child—how could I? I had just watched as he was murdered, and to me he had also been born yesterday. I was ashamed. He was born to do so much…
That’s when it happened, I felt something. A tiny hand on my cheek. At first I was shocked, shocked something finally could touch me. Then I was terrified. Terrified that I would have to face something so… perfect. When I opened my eyes, all I saw was a chubby face, smiling at me. It was innocent, but more than that, it was full of love. He smiled at me, and I knew it was for me, and I knew that it was okay. It was the reason he was here.
I started crying again, but this time for different reasons. This was where it started, well, more or less. This was when a small child with a huge purpose came into the world. I felt a warm happiness, more than that, I felt proud and excited that it happened.
I’m not sure what I noticed first, the warmth of candles, the chill in the air, the sound of English—glorious English!—sounding in my ear. Whatever it was, I knew I was back; home, yet, no longer home. I was standing in front of the house of the family I had sung for, my friends all finishing their chorus. I was so surprised I wasn’t singing with them, one friend eyed me strangely for my lack of participation. Once they were finished, they began shuffling to walk away, the family thanked us and began closing the door.
This wasn’t right! I could no longer just let us cheerily celebrate without a reason. There was a purpose here! A purpose greater than any of us standing on that snowy sidewalk. I lowered my song book—I didn’t need it, not this time. Confidence welled inside me as a began singing loudly something that wasn’t on the night’s agenda. My companions looked at me confused, but they joined me eventually. Not that it mattered. This song was important, and I was just the caroler to make sure it was sung.
Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King; Let every heart prepare Him room, And Heaven and nature sing, And Heaven and nature sing, And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing!
* * *
I did it! After so long, I've finally finished the tale of The Time Traveling Caroler! I really should have finished it months ago, but let's not squabble over details. What did you think of the Caroler's journey? Did they sing any of your favorite songs? What songs do you wish were sung? What did you think of the rendition of the Nativity story, do you think it's closer to how it happened or is completely in left-field?
If you liked reading a continuous story, leave a commit requesting more in future blogs! Granted, I won't be posting a full book, but doing small stories could be fun.
Writing update: I've submitted a pitch for an article to Cracked.com. If they accept my pitch, it means I'll be able to write something, and get paid for it! It's all still in the beginning stages, but if it gets published I'll be sure to link it to social media.
Image Source: https://mondedureve.wordpress.com/2014/12/02/christmas-star/